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Working with the Building Inspector

​September 22 ​

​At the Westin Los Angeles Airport


101 - Maximizing Team Operations 8am

102 - Building a high Performance Team 1pm

102 - Building a high Performance Team
Beat TheB uilding Inspector

International Code Council_ICC Approved Training

Helping Contractors, Developers and Business Owners to complete projects in less time, with more money and more freedom to live the life you love. 

Helping Contractors, Developers and Business Owners to complete projects in less time, with more money and more freedom to live the life you love.

​Presented By REggie Lacina

International Code Council_ICC Approved Training

What exactly is Working With the Building Inspector?

It's not learning how to "Beat UP The Building Inspector" but it's learning how to utilize real life's experience, hands-on taking apart, de-constructing and re-constructing ones drilled in mindsets of a life time competing in a low bidder environment and  becoming a world class business at all levels of competition.  Going from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, my 9-course series of success training modules when studied, applied and by doing the work delivers results of more time, more money and more freedom to choose how you want to spend your life.

With nearly 4 decades of hands on experience in the industry, the one consistent problem I have observed, done myself, or watched company after company do, is that they make the same mistakes over and over again.  Their need to be right causes their own pain and suffering repeating work over and over again.  This is the building inspector that lives within us all driving the mindset that continues to defeat us continuously in many different forms.  The need to be right, regardless of how many times it takes until it gets done correctly versus learning to do it by the design.
This is why I created the series of 9 Mindsets; each being 1/2 day courses to help others learn what is missing and preventing the repeated frustrations which I call “Stinken Thinken", the road block to success...

Now after 7 years in the creation phases and with considerable training by other experts, my manifestation is ready for the market place. To serve industry, any trade, owners, developers, architects, engineers, managers, contractors and builders all alike (including staff) that are searching for cutting edge materials to give them an upper hand on success that has been denied to them for so long.

Whether a beginner or experienced professional, these courses serve and opens new possibilities for all. Written in an understandable format, I have put my life's work and experience into this program that even a child could understand and use. It serves anyone that wants to learn and achieve more and add additional layers of success into their lives.

​Two Powerful Modules

101 - Maximizing Team Operations 

Managing the Values of Your Team ​and Others

102 - Building a high Performance Team

​Training and Hiring the Right Staff

Early Bird Special Price - Save $97 

Early bird price ends August 22nd

Regular price $297 per module

Two Modules Only $497

What else do you get?

What else do you get?

Now that after years of preparations, ​Working With The Building Inspector has a copy-write with the US library of congress, is registered with the US Trademark Department and most recently approved by the International (building) Code Council (ICC) for Continued Education Units for those who have licensing (CEU) requirements. Each course comes with a registered certificate of .5 CEU's and 4.5 CEU’s if taking all 9 courses.  This is also a great way to advance your career if you are not licensed.

The first (2) courses will be held this coming September 22 & 23, 2018. One course (Sat/Sun) in the LAX Westin. Remember they are 1/2 days courses leaving you time to enjoy the afternoon in Los Angeles.

Remember this 1st training is for course's 101 & 102.

If you are coming from another state, Group room rates will be available depending on # of request and double room occupancy will be available for those that want to cut cost.

I am looking forward to all that want to expand their awareness, seek new challenges and live more fulfilled in all that you do...

My Best Regards to All... Reggie Lacina

increase your bottom-line profits

save money and increase your bottomline profits

​As a Division of the State Architect’s (DSA) Class-1 Building Inspector, I’d like to teach your staff a few of my inside secrets to help your company save money and increase your bottomline profits. 

I do this by helping companies overcome the “Low Bidder Trap” by developing a World Class Business Mindset. As a building inspector, I will show you how to beat the system designed to withhold your money.

As a Division of the State Architect’s (DSA) Class-1 Building Inspector, I’d like to teach your staff a few of my inside secrets to help your company save money and increase your bottomline profits. I do this by helping companies overcome the “Low I do this by helping companies overcome the “Low Bidder Trap” by developing a World Class Business Mindset. As a building inspector, I will show you how to beat the system designed to withhold your money.

​Why I Do What I Do

​Hotel Information

Address: 5400 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045

Phone: (310) 216-5858